Happy Holidays, I hope that your holidays are filled with joy and laughter, good tidings, friends and family not to mention good food. I spent Christmas at home this year and I must say " it was nice." I received a few gifts from close friends and family and most importantly the gift of friendship from you. I even prepared my own meal this year, yeah I know my way around the kitchen; I didn't want to the traditional meal that would have been to much, especially since it was only going to be me and maybe a friend or two, no Kewon didn't come for Christmas. i prepared a few capones, mac & cheese, yams, green beans, ham and rolls. oh yeah Strawberry Cheesecake (I bought it prepared.
I got my shopping done in record time, two days before Christmas. I shipped everything next day and it never fails Debbie never gets her gift on time, I don't know what it is about the mail in Atlanta. I must admit I truly enjoyed the mall this year, I saw so many phine brothas that I would have loved to place under my tree or on to of it, but being that I figured I'd been nice thus far there was no reason to become naughty.
2009 has brought many changes for me and I have been dealing with a little grief about some of the things in my life I felt needed to be changed, I found new friends and lost old ones, I guess you could say the new word for the year was "unfriend." I had to cut a few friends from my life, they just haven't been worth the trouble of keeping as friends, even with our long history. To make matters worst I have decided to add another old friend on the list, he has proven to be a thorn in my side, I have known him since college on and off, but the brotha is not right. I sent him a Christmas card and he didn't have the decency to send me one, and at that point I knew I wanted no further parts of him. now don't get me wrong I did not unfriend him because of the Xmas card, many people don't send cards that isn't a problem at all, it is just that he didn't even call to say " Happy Holidays," he only wants to talk and be bothered when his shyte isn't right, or to bring gloom to someone Else's life, so the card made it easy for me to unfriend his black arse.
Haven't decided what or where I may go on New Year's Eve, but I would like to party and maybe even take someone home with me, you know what that would mean... "I would have them all year long." Yeah right! Have a great remainder of the holiday season and a wonderful New Year!