I am so pleased the weekend has arrived, this past week was from hell. I have decided to spend sometime this weekend looking for puppy and pet proofing my apartment, the decision to get a puppy was a hard one to make being that I plan on relocating to Atlanta this summer, unless I get the job in Milwaukee. It can be really difficult to find apartments that allow pets, but my friend Debbie who resides in Atlanta assures me that it wouldn't be that difficult to find a decent apartment that allows pets(dogs) in Atlanta or surrounding areas.
Last night (Friday) I decided to stop by one of the watering holes in my neighborhood to have a beer and just chill for a minute, one beer turned into two and then a shot of vodka, I really have no idea why I stopped in the bar especially since it was not the type of bar a patronize and I did not know anyone that was in there, but yet I go in I am almost certain it was that I just didn't want to go right home after work. I woke up this morning and experienced such a hangover, I really had no idea what to do for a remedy, so I telephoned Debbie and she told me "drink a beer." I thought I misunderstood her, but she in fact had instructed me to drink a small amount of beer, I told her I would try it because I trust her and know that she generally gets hangovers after partying or tailgating (she used to now she only has a glass of wine) believe it or not it works the only problem was I never had beer that early in the morning and I was afraid being that I had errands to run I may have the hint of beer on my breathe, but after brushing,flossing and Listerine my breathe was fine no hint of beer, final result my hangover did go away in a very reasonable amount of time, so I guess beer has a reserves effect.
I have yet to experience a hangover, and do not plan on making such reservation! But in the unplanned event, I plan to think about that remedy. I HATE BEER!
Lol hmmmm I have to try that. I wish I woulda read ur blog yesterday cuz I had the worst headache. I went to the club friday got in @ 5am. I woke up at 10am wit the most horrible headache it wouldn't go away. I have to keep this in mind ...i better work too CHET lol
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