Thursday, January 17, 2008

Kiss me once then kiss me twice

I discovered this photo while checking out Rod 2.0 this photo is attached to an interesting story about what an out cry this kiss caused by the people of: Kentucky.
Have a great weekend. It doesn't appear to me any more than I see on television.


WhozHe said...

Goofiest kiss I've ever seen. Those people complaining need tog row up.

fuzzy said...

The two guys were Juan Palacios and Jerry Smith. I did some lookin up on it and after reading many articles and not reading one statement afterwards from either player I would have to play it as innocent. As enticing as it would be to have an open display of gay affection at a game in front of hundreds or thousands, I think it was sportsmanship.

I wonder if further comments will be made! Omission isn't always a good thing. It implies something to hide!