Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Ole Friend

Today I register no complaints it has been a good day; I am over my cold which was a result of the sub zero weather and snow then two days later fifty degrees and today sunshine and rain, but a brotha feels good. I hear that Lil Wayne arrived in town today and that he is performing on Friday, that means all the thug boys will be out on State Street geared up and bling bling! No I will not be anywhere near that place I like Lil Wayne, but I have no intentions of atending any such concert, but the after party now that I may attend. On my way to work today I ran into an ex, and I nearly lost my composure because I had not seen this person in years and I was smitten by his presence and immediately thought about the sex we had in the past, I got to work with a boner. I really need to stop taking public transportation and start driving to and from work this way I would not run into exes and avoid those awkward converstaions with the exes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Running into ex's and getting a boner and all that only proves you not over them. You have to kill everything when ex's leave your life.

If I see an ex, I treat them like I never knew them and sometimes, I treat them as if they don't exist. But I NEVER get hot and heated by being around them.

Repeat after me, "THEY ARE AN EX FOR A REASON!"