I was sitting here in my office for no apparent reason all my work for the day has been done in fact I worked non stop completing as much work as possible being that I am still trying to catch up from work left over prior to me leaving for the 4Th of July I have caught up with most of it a few calls to clients and one conference and the weekend will be upon me again however; a brotha needs some serious sleep or botox possibly both couldn't hurt, just kidding sleep is all a brotha needs right about now, then again botox would be enhancing that and electrolysis. LOL
Okay I am sitting here at my desk and I hear one of my cellular phones ringing and it is the private number (strictly booty calls)and to my dismay the caller is displayed as unknown but I answer anyway and I hear music slowly coming through and it is a song that makes me weak every time I hear the song (Nobody Suppose to be Here) by Deborah Cox. Now who would call me and let this play in my ear? The song ends and I wait for a voice to appear on the other end, but to no avail so I hang up and turn to my computer to check e-mail and just as I thought there would be mail, but what fucked my understanding up is not only does the person have my e-mail address, but private cellular number and the return e-mail bounces back when I try to reply now I am thinking that Ke may be playing games, but hell he doesn't know my other number (yeah I kept it from him, besides our bills and phone carriers are different and I pay the bills online and he never took time to check or least I don't think so, but WTF)?
I sit in my office and try to see if I gave this info to anyone lately and my mind went blank, I have been a good boi lately, so WTF? A hour passes and security announces that he is leaving the building for the evening and that I should use my key card at security points and that the door will automatically lock behind me, if he had been a shade darker and a year younger I would have fucked him right there in my office. Not!
I finally get my things together and head home, what should I get to eat or is that chump cooking tonight I thought? Either way ice cream would be a treat, or any thing cold in this heat yes I said heat Wisconsin gets a couple of months of summer and intense heat. I opt for ice cream cake. I walk towards the market when all of a sudden a hear someone walking at a very fast pace behind me so I start to slow down hoping they would pass me and allow me to enjoy my walk, but no they grab me from behind and cover my eyes the hand smells to good to be robber so I guess it is one of the few playful men I know, but it is not instead I find that it was the security person from work, he wasted no time telling me that he knew more about me than I knew myself and that he "was the answer to my problems." I laid out on the side of the building until I was able to breathe again, but he had shocked the shyte out of this brotha.
We decide to have a drink and talk remind you I am not to be drinking anytime soon so I had just one beer on draft, Mister has a vodka or some clear drink with lime. Neither one of us stops traffic and rest assure we are both to old for kat and mouse games, so he gets to the point and I only have one question: Why? he goes on to tell me that he knows that I have been hurt, I deny it and he says "bullshit I hear you sobbing in your office when you think you are alone." I jump up shout "Good Luck!" I leave and now I feel bad because the brotha was real about his feelings and he actually wants my company. What should I do I did like the way he smells and he does have a nice body a bit thin, but nice and no I am not heavy, but tall and tend to weigh in over 200lbs from time to time I used to have a swimmers body, but that was well lets just say it hasn't resurfaced yet. I gotta call him because I have got to ask how he got my number and e-mail then invite him to the cook-out during Madison Pride next weekend. Can I apologize for my rudness with flowers? Tickets to a Brewers Game? I should have been polite and not rude, but damn allof a sudden shyte is happening and I am not ready.
I am torn on this one. One, I don't do the work/dating/love relationship. He works in your building. Hmm. On the other hand there is nothing wrong with just having fun with someone who wants your company.
Now you have one big thing on your side. He knows you have been hurt. So if you apologize he will be understanding and no harm done. But at least be the bigger man about it and apologize for walking out.
So I guess I agree to the having drinks and fun with him but dating, I wouldn't do. But that's just me. You are messing with your pockets when you do this. The both of you will have to have a big understanding.
But I am all for you having fun and gettin over Ke. Besides, he will be out of your home in a few weeks and I would hate to see you walking into a quiet home. It would be nice to have someone to invite over and chill with.
Leave the physical at the door because we will get old and gray with bent backs and falling prostates one day. Have some fun Chet. Enjoy the company for once because you may have a new friend. At least he is noticing you.
new reader... found you thru a myriad of other blogs and comments. Interesting posts!
Hmmmmm I agree with bps 2.0 on this one to a certain extent. You have to be careful when mixing business w/pleasure. Even tho he doesn't work directly with you, it's a tangle web to weave. Boundaries would definitely have to be set. Having said that, there's nothing wrong wit chillin na mean. Take your time. It's not a race...
A simple verbal apology first will do. Flowers or a gift may send an additional meessage that I don't think you want to send at this time.
Coworker are not, it's probably not good to get caught up with anyone romantically at this time. Enjoy the friendship he's offering but avoid catching feelings for him if at all possible.
You've been through a lot lately. I would probably chill for a sec. I'm about to break out and start singing Destiny's Child 'Girl'. Don't make me!
BPS thankz man I will keep what you said up front and take things slow.
DustyBoot glad you found me through that mrid of other blogs.
Blaq~n~Mild you are right one should be careful with dating people they work with or in directly, I know that is so right.
Whozhe, I gave an verbal apology it helped to clear the air, we are kicking on a friendly bases.
G: Dawg don't go signing "Girl" by Destiny Child that would make me scream out loud! Thankz holla at ya on your page in a few.
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