I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for tuning in and sharing your blogs with me. I would also like to wish each of you a very Happy New Year. I for one am so pleased to be putting this past year behind me, and I am so looking forward to a much more productive and prosperous new year. I have mentioned before that I plan on relocating this year (2008), I have had it with Madison, don't get me wrong and I refuse to end this year complaining, but I have been one unhappy brotha lately. My friends and family are all so far away and there is no place in this town for brotha living an alternative/gay lifestyle. No Black bars which poses as a problem for me because there's no other gathering place for Gay Black men to meet and be themselves, there are some serious closet and mixed up shit going on in this town. Madison has great schools, colleges and the University, the first few years I lived here there were so few blacks students on campus that the few you saw appeared to be displaced, but now it has even a larger number of: Black graduate students, undergrads and even a few post graduate candidates (that makes me feel good), some of the higher positions in city government are held by Blacks however; the MMSD has so few Black teachers, but the ones that do teach in the school system are privy to generous incomes. The Gay Community is here it just has a very very small number of Black members, Madison is a wonderful city it is just not for me, probably because I am not a student( I graduated from a Texas College ) nor do I have a Master's Degree which would better qualify me for other jobs (a Masters Degree is the threshold to employment in Madison), my bachelors degree doesn't go far or hasn't taken me to far, I do have a half way decent income and benefits, housing is expensive although I have a nice small place in a great neighborhood. My friends often ask: "why move?" My response: " I need a better life, and I miss my own." Okay enough on that subject. I must say that I was so pleased to pick up a copy of Madison Times and there was a article about the Movie Dirty laundry however; no mention if the movie will make it here or not in the near future, but it was a well written article. Okay let me say good bye to 2007.
Happy New year to you too. Hope the move goes well.
where are you moving to?
Goodbye 2007, Hellur to 2008!
Happy New Year chet!!!!
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