Finally a few minutes to read a few blog entries and enter something into my blog; the past few weeks have been more than I thought I could handle, strange folks in my house utilizing every phone, television, bathroom and crumb of food available to them, yes these were Kewon's kin folks. My house reeks of cigarette smoke and every scent you could think of these folks brought with them and left behind for me to clean up of course Kewon is going to help. The last relative left this morning and she started to stay another day, but we told her we had plans and that my family arrives on Thursday.
We are planning to get away this week and by no means did I intend to leave these people unattended in my apartment for 3 days. They had me buying food when a couple of them had those electronic cards for food purchases, but they ate my steak, burgers and the fast food we order on an almost nightly bases, it was nice to be around his family and for them to be so accepting and understanding they came up for the graduation he is the second to person in his family to get a college degree and they intended to make sure they were in attendance for his graduation, the last person in his family graduated about ten years ago so the new generation now has Kewon.
His cuzins were cute and a bit friendly especially the ones from the South (North Carolina or South Carolina ) they would climb in the bed with me and not only watch tv, but sleep and talk on the phone with their girlfriend while pulling and tugging on their 19 and 20 year old dicks, I ignored them and often left to sleep on the floor with Ke. He was polite and did not sleep in the bedroom with me while family was present we had to sneak and play with each other in the early morning because that was the only time them damn people would be sleep.
Graduation morning and the family from Milwaukee and Chicago arrives, now keep in mind he only had eight tickets and two that his friend was not using so that makes ten not nearly enough for 16 people maybe more I lost count with the brats. I attended with friends on the staff and no ticket was needed I refused to sit with the family they clowned awhile after the ceremony and they saw me cry for the first time when they called Ke's name and I cried again on the way back to the house not because of the joyus event, but they crashed the rent- a -car I rented in my name. More Later, I still can't figure out who is going to pay the car rental company or me for that matter being that forked over my credit card.
I don't men to be crass because I'm sure I will feel your pain when I get a minute, but I LMAO when I read,"...I cried again on the way back to the house not because of the joyus event, but they crashed the rent- a -car I rented in my name."
You my friend are a better man than me. If it was me they would still have been waiting for the bus before I signed for anything just because of that possibility.
Did I read this correctly> Did you say that the 19 and 20 year old cousins were pulling and tugging with their dicks...which I take as you sayig jerking off, in your bed, with their girlfriends, on the phone. Then you left them to sllep on the floor?
As the great intellect, of our time Lil' Jon would say...What!
That is not the only nigga say what moment in the post... And they crashed a rental car, that you put in your name... Negro are you crazy?
I hope to god you paid the extra 15 dollars in insurance!
Chet, um, wow. I feel so sorry for you, I really do. I hope that Kewon is appreciative of what you did for him. I would not do what you did and the thought wouldn't even cross my mind to do it. Renting a car in my name for people who can't pay if it gets wrecked. Paying for the food for everyone. I couldn't do it. The family should have at least, out of appreciation, paid for everything since you were saving them money.
Your heart was in the right place but it should have been in your pockets where the wallet stayed.
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