What up? I finally made it back on Wednesday and not a moment to soon because a brotha is worn the fuck out! Literally! The trip was absolutely wonderful although, it was not what I had expected nor did it go according to our travel itinerary being that we slipt up and went our separate ways on Saturday we both found other folks to hang out with and since we are not actually a couple it made the transition just that much easier although I did feel guilty at times and even a tad bit jealous when I entertained the thought of my Boo Boo Kitty (Kewon) having sex with someone else, then again hell I got my business taken care of more than I care to mention.
Kewon mentioned that he did not want to be bothered with the crowds was all I kept hearing during our flight from Chicago to Miami, then just hours after we arrived and checked into the hotel he was ready to do some damn booze cruise or something and I had no idea what the hell got into him, but instead he hit the bars and hung out with a friend from school that he had no idea that the brotha was in the life. (Good Luck)!
I hung out with three people that I knew from other events and business, we all felt that we were just a little old for the Sizzle crowd and on Sunday we drove to another part of the city to shop and have lunch that is when we all decided that if we hurried we could make it to our friend Larry's bar-b-que the brotha host every Memorial Day and there are always lots of phine men at his parties and cook-outs. We checked out of our hotels or allowed others to stay in the rooms, headed up the highway for Larry's house in Norfolk and the trip would take every bit of fifteen hours and it was about four that afternoon when we started out, we arrived in Norfolk about eight forty five that morning and we could have made better time, but four passengers holding undergrad degrees and a master degree couldn't read the map correctly. LOL. The price of gas was the only thing that we complained about and somebody call Citi and Chase to let them know that this card member will not be paying the entire balance of those accounts, just partial.
I will elaborate later on the activity that transpired during the trip and hopefully transfer photo to my computer here in the very near future. Over all yo boi had a damn good time. I will be catching up on reading and checking out your blogs later, right now a brotha has to complete an assignment that was due on my boss desk two days ago. Holla at ya later have a great weekend.