Generally as a rule I don't allow much to ruffle my feathers so to speak, but this past week has been nothing to the likes of last week in fact it was just the opposite, now of course I know that with each passing or approaching day I would experience change, but not at the multitude I received this week! Let me touch on this briefly then I will move right alone; as you know I have a new job/position and kinda excited about the change, but the fan fair has faded in that office, after two weeks of grueling and very difficult training task I learn that the person that had been assigned to train me had not actually ever performed the job or worked in the same capacity.
I did everything I had been trained to do and questioned everything I thought to be obsolete or erroneous so that I would make as few or no mistakes as possible, but that was not the case. I sent the month end reports to our office in Dallas, Texas only to find them back on my desk via: DHL it appears that ledgers were off and revenues for various sectors were missing or incorrect. I was livid, because I had spoken with each department personally and reviewed each electronic submission for such departments using the guidelines I was instructed to use; long story short the guidelines had been revised and no one informed my boss or I in fact we have reason to believe it was done intentionally. I spent the entire weekend correcting, updating and revising paperwork.
To make matters worst with all the ripping and running yo boi got caught up with flu bug; man I woke up and could barely move and the pain that shot through my body made me holla! My head was pounding and my chest felt extremely heavy, but I still had an appetite even with a fever, I couldn't understand it and when I finally decided to call the clinic/urgent care they suggested I treat it like the common cold for a day or two if nothing changes for the better go to the emergency room, I started too tell her that the way i felt I would be lucky to survive two days. I found out I had the flu bug and that I also have an indoor and outdoor allergy... Good Luck they just want my insurance to pay for Alavert or something. I am doing fine, but I gotta admit I got scared for a moment and this weather did not help it is almost Spring and we still have snow and cold weather in the forecast.
Sorry to hear about the flu. Trust, I know how you feel. Corporate America is no joke. You will always have people wanting your job and they will do what they can to make life hard. You have the right attitude. Things will pass....some like kidney stones and some like a car with EZ pass with no traffic.
Hang in there.
There is nothing worse than working with people who either sabotage your work or not cooperate when you need them because of issues they have which are out of your control.
Correction, losing your health is worse. Hang on to that and don't let the other things bug you too much.
Bullet Proof Soul thank you.
Lets hope it passing like the EZ pass and no traffic!
Curious thank you. You are so right some things are beyond my control and their issues certainly are out of my control.
Sorry to hear that you're under the weather. I do hope you're feeling much better now. And a special thank you for all your kind and supportive words on my boutique. Much appreciated. Corporate america is full of snakes. Keep your head up.
Where are crystal reports or Business Objects when you need them...that is ancient processes. Invest in reporting systems.
I have that same issue with my job. No one informs the other about updated/revised info. Brush it off your shoulders (like you always do). Hope you're feeling better.
glad to have stumbled by here; it's like a soap opera...you're flipping through channels, and you don't intend to stay, but you do. :)
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