Sunday, February 24, 2008

35,000 Feet in the Air and A Career Move

Been a minute since my last post and I gotta tell you that the sh*t has hit the fan at work, a couple of weeks ago the company that I work for transferred titles actually the company was sold and with all the firing and rehiring the true colors have come out of those people that I thought were tight co-workers...not! Man I received a promotion, but not much more of a salary the only thing that changed in my office was now I am the boss of those people that once considered me their friend and co-worker, that changed very quickly, no I did not change they felt the need to express their disappointment and dismay about my promotion when in fact one or two of the staff members have been there just a tad bit longer than I have so they feel slighted, and I thought the brothas were going to have the problem, they were pleased as far as I can tell however; the young white male and the older white woman threw fissy fits and these were two of by best co-workers until now! Enough!

Well this week I will be training which requires traveling and hopefully there will not be any more damn snow when I return although I will only be four hundred miles away and chances are there will be snow there too. Got catch a flight holla at ya later.


WhozHe said...

Congrats on your promotion. Ignore the haters, and if that doesn't work, fire them. (LOL).

Hope you have a safe and productive trip.

fuzzy said...

That was bad management to put you incharge of your fellow employees in the same department. You need to have a meeting with your employees and explain to them what has happened and why it has happened. You all have to be on the same page or it will not be a productive work environment. Moral is a big part of the job!

Talk to the problem people individually. Figure out how you can get cooperation. They have been kept for a reason, make it work somehow...

Chet said...
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Chet said...

Thankz Fuzzy, you are so right my boss wasn't thinking when he offered me the position in fact he was trying to keep the same employees and since a couple of us have either decided to relocate or take jobs in other venues he made the call of promoting me after the corp office suggested I fill the position being that I was qualified and had been with the company prior made me the perfect candidate. Now I hear that a white co-worker has registered a complaint indicating that he should have been offered the position, but the strange thing is that the man has no real interest in the position and has been given the same opportunities for advancement as I have, but he declined, now he wants more money but no more work.

I will return to the office on Friday and rest assure I will be calling a meeting and just in case I will have a two week notice in my satchel.

life said...

Success typically reveals a lot about the people around you

Humility731 said...

I agree with life and congrats on the promotion !

*Hating is an allergic reaction to success

SpecialK261 said...

good for u..if i remeber correctly, the last time i cuaght up on you were talking about how limited to job market is for you with the level of education you have. we'll it seems liek that trainign. I hope to find a compnay that will fly me off somewhere one

I beleive your promotion is representative of your had work..I'm also glad you didn't get fired..that woudl really neglected ot mention where you were flying off too..that might of been interesting to note. thanx for keepin punctual with my blog..i appreciate your comments.