TGIF! Man this has been a wild and crazy week for your boi, thought this week would never end. Pleased that I have to work this weekend, yeah every now and then I am subjected to working a weekend (month end reports). I am doing much better and even spoke with Ke yesterday on the telephone, apparently he is staying with the same friend he dances with..good luck! They are roommates until Ke leaves in a few weeks for his new teaching job, the roommate will be leaving to do graduate work in Chicago.
Woke up yesterday went in to work ran into Mister Security(Jeffrey) he is bitter because I have not called him in the past couple of days, but since I have accepted his friendship and he mine I will call him this evening and let him in on the situation and explain to him why he or anyone else hasn't received a call from me in days with the exception of Debbie, she has called everyday and even left a half dozen messages at work for me, damn that chile keeps me on my toes. I have reason to believe that Jeff is also going to be this kind of friend too, watching my every move, I must admit I need to be looked after from time to time. LMAO!
I have cleaned the condo and instead of just changing the sheets Ke last slept on I threw them out after washing them, then took the bed down and placed it in storage, it is sofa time for me, then there is the sofa bed in the den. I am suppose to be on line right now paying bills and cancelling Ke's cellular service, but I will give him time to pick up his own account because this brotha will not be paying it and that is for sure.
Gentlemen have a great weekend and I will holla at ya later. Thankz for the words of encouragement a brotha is gonna be alright. I will not cry today nor will I tomorrow.
Slowly but surely... healing and progress..
You better get with Mr. Security before I will...lol.
Glad you're feeling better.
Much better. As long as this isn't destroying you. Doesn't seem like it is.
WHy is this negro trippin because you haven't called him in a couple days..that sounds liek boyfriend kinda behavior not friend behavior...well at least not new friend behavior, and lets face it, he's an all brand new friend and stuff, and can't think he gets old friend treatment...he would have gotten a straight "Negro please!" from me.
I'm glad you finally changed your sheets, because that was just straight nasty... but am a bit confused why you had to put your bed in storage, but uh...I guess that's still progress, huh?
Lastly he will get a new service, as soon as when goes to use his phone he gets a "no service" message on his screen! DO you really think he is going to voluntarily get one, as long as you are paying it.
You need to give him a 3 day warning that, he better get a new phone service, before he looses his current number.
Glad things are finally coming back in order. Changing the sheets was kewl, but did you have to throw them away?
This is My FIRST Time visiting Your Blog, and I am already drawn into the Candid Honesty of Your Troubled Heart. AWE...Poo Bear~
...I have watched MANY of My Male Friends endure SERIOUS Break-Ups, and each of them has endured this period of 'Mourning'. The BEST Solution, is to right NOW; Fall-In-Love with YOURSELF; again.
ReLearn How Good it Felt to be with You, BEFORE Ke entered your Life. It IS, indeed,m POSSIBLE.
progressing and accomplishment is a good thing!
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