Many years ago there was a song with the title "Summer is almost gone." I don't remember the lyrics if in fact I've ever known them, but for some odd reason or other the title came to mind as well as the thought that summer is almost over. It seems like just yesterday I was putting away my winter gear, now you know we have long winters here in the Midwest, so the seasons change rapidly.
I'm a tad bit disappointed being that I didn't do many of the things I had set out to do this summer and now the summer is coming to a close... oh well. School starts this week and your boi is no more than a damn substitute teacher until further notice. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy teaching at most any level, but teaching on the secondary level can be problematic to say the least.
Not sure just how to spend the Labor Day Weekend and offically bring the summer to a close. The family is getting together, but I'm not sure about another trip south. I suppose I could hang out with my good gurlfriend and do the casino, maybe this time I'll actually win something. My buddy Jeff will be in town with his significant other, been a minute since we've hung out so maybe I'll just hang out with him and his lover.
Have a safe and enjoyable Labor Day Weekend.
"...do the casino, maybe this time I'll actually win something." You know that Steve Wynn says that the only winners in Vegas are the casinos. I'm sure that is probably true for everywhere. If you are going to do a casino my suggestion would be to do it just for fun and entertainment that way when you walk away penniless you can say you've had a good time regardless.
Have a good one...
Hey Chet,
Well just be thankful you still have a job bruh..Im still settling in Wisconsin..still taking some getting use to, but im loving being on my own..so liberating lol...and yes its cold as hell in the midwest. email me xavion20@gmail so we can catch up and you can show me around this dry ass state they call wisconsin lol
The great thing about Summer is that there is alway next year!
It's ironic that yesterday (Sunday) was the actual last weekend day of Summer 2010. People seem to want it to end too early by proclamiing Labor day to be the "unofficial end of Summer."
Meanwhile, I wish I'd played more & worked less. Had more peaceful times & far less stress. But as Seal sang "I'm ALIVE!"
Glad things are beginning to look UP for you, my Brotha.
Snatch JOY!
The end of the summer it's always as the end of the childhood. The end of enjoyments and pleasures. Each year, I have also the same feeling. Fortunately, summer is not yet gone here...
There's always next summer Chet!!!!
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