Sitting here trying to decide if I should turn my heat on in my apartment. The weather has changed here in the Midwest and I'm one brotha that isn't prepared for this Fall weather and the quick season change. I can't really complain the past few weeks have been productive for the most part, I've had a steady teaching assignment and paycheck so all is well. What is missing is a steady partner, but I've been single so long that I'm really starting to accept the fact that maybe it is just meant for me to be single.
Spent most of the weekend reading and attending to chores, even tuned into some television. I was suppose to attend a college football game on Saturday, but opted out instead I ventured to the mall and I totally enjoyed it, not so much the shopping, but the people watching was wonderful. I did find a few items on sale mostly things for my winter cruise (yeah right, I'm going on a cruise alone). I'm anticipating getting away to someplace warm during my winter vacation.
Once again I'm setting out to get my body in shape (yeah, imagine that), I have dusted off my workout DVDs and books. I would love to have a body that favors that of Terrell Owens. I'm going to try for the next six weeks to eat right and workout. Guess I'll have to give up the beer... not! I will limit my beer intake.