Saturday, May 30, 2009

It's my Anniversary

What's good Bloggers? I stepped off for a minute being that so much had transpired in my life recently that I hadn't had much of a opportunity or desire to blog during that time however; I have been reading your blogs. Curious has been travelling the globe, Fuzzy moved into his own place, Norris declares the single life might be for him (but we know better), X went MIA, Deewan is enjoying life, D Place continues to discover and to share his experience and view points with us, N2itall keeps us entertained with the videos, Troy and Hoodsworld provide us with our daily dose of: Eye Candy, not to mention all the other bloggers that allow us to explore their political views, relationships and by all means the Gaytekeeper keeping us on our toes.

It has been three years since I starte blogging, yes it's my third year anniversary. it all started during the summer of 2006, but since then I have been able to get to know some very incredible people and share a little of my daily life with these people, it has been truly like having a host of good friends. Thank you for the journey thus far it has been great and I look forward to another year blogging and getting to know each of you better.

Through the Years:

I have changed jobs or taken on additional employment
Found and lost love
Moved almost every year from one apartment to another
Lost friends and members of the Gay Community
Watched my 401K go straight to hell

What you didn't know about me:
I have a daily ritual which includes masturbation
I have necessary escapes; I travel to nearby cities every other weekend just because.
What I look for in a partner; tall men (after all I am 6'1),big feet (I have a foot fetish),pubic hair turns me on (another fetish), I am a hopeless romantic), I am impressed by men that can make me laugh, I am diligently looking for a partner.

I am known for: Loving to hard, and my forgiving and caring heart.
People love me for: my inspiration, big heart and forgiving nature.
I live for weekend get-a-ways and strong friendships.
I can not get enough of: strippers, I love the strippers.

Thank you for the memories, I look forward to yet another wonderful year of blogging.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Single Path to Happiness

What's good? I was sitting here in my living room chillin during the storm, the rain smells so good, and reminds me of my childhood, I used to love to play in the rain and when I became an adult I found myself enjoy walking in the rain especially with the significant other(Derrick) at the time, we would walk home from the neighborhood bar & grill just enjoying the down pour of the rain and our love for each other, those were the days.

The past couple of weeks have been good thus far, I only work part-time, which gives me the opportunity to do a few things I hadn't much of an opportunity to do when my schedule was full time. In the past two weeks I have had the opportunity to see the students perform Mac Beth, it was quite the experience. Sunday afternoon I attended The Madison Symphony Orchestra and I had almost forgotten how jubilant the sound produced by the orchestra sounds. I have taken myself to dinner at eateries other than fast food restaurants, shopped or mostly window shopped, but nevertheless spending time doing what I enjoy.

Jeffrey and I have been hanging out and chasing the few phine brothas roaming the campus, I have yet to come up with a winner, most have no interest being that it is finals and they are all excited about the new prospects that awaits them after graduation, besides Jeff and I are to old to be chasing them in the first damn place, Jeff is actually dating someone, but he needs validation from time to time. I have accepted the fact that I will probably be single for quite sometime, then again I have been getting some play from a couple of different dudes so there may be a chance after all, in fact one brotha is slightly older than myself, and very easy to talk with, he has history, but don't we all.