Certainly hope that all is well with you guys, got to admit I have been away from my blog for a minute however; I always find time to check other blogs and it appears a few of my favorites have hit the circuit again and it is really nice to read about the wonderful things that have transpired over the summer and your plans for the upcoming year, it appears we are all on pins and needles about the upcoming election which is just around the corner. Get your Black Arse out and Vote!
The past few weeks have been very busy for me, I have had a full plate however; things are slowing down a tad bit and hopefully I will get the chance to get away with family for a few days, I missed most of the births, deaths and other events that transpired in my family over the past few months and sending flowers won't cut it, my sisters are demanding that I take time and visit with family and get to know the new members in which none of their names can I pronounce or spell and some of them are school age already, the problem is that I gave up on trying to be a part of this family long ago, they are to damn snobbish and never approving of anything I do so I send flowers and cards, gifts at holiday and birthdays might call them, but I make no effort where none has be applied by them. Don't get me wrong I am tight with some of my family and I do love them all they just don't understand me or my lifestyle. To make matters worst Kewon attended the reunion last month and he doesn't even know most of my family, but my cuzin told him he could come with or without me and he went without me which was find I have no problem with that, but what fucked me up was that he told my family that we split up as if we had been married; my nephew told him to shut the fuck up and leave that kinda talk for bars and back alleys. I hear that after several drinks Kewon decided to dance and entertain the crowd (fully clothed) my young cuzins embraced the punk and the old folks are still talking about how Chetquin and Kewon broke up, my aunt keeps asking what kinda name is Kewon for a woman? Essie is old and doesn't always get the complete picture.
Work is okay however; I still do not get along with my immediate boss and I am so looking forward to my contract ending so I can move on. Jeffrey has been a real cool friend he invited me out this past weekend to see a drag show then he wanted to hit the newest bar on King Street and that was not at all what I had bargained for the crowd was all white, I keep telling him Blacks are not welcome in those bars, it is truly uncomfortable for me, although the white men to tend to hit on a brotha, and I do not have a problem with white or any nationality. Jeffrey came by my office brought me lunch which was nice because I had no idea what I was going to eat for lunch or when being that I had work beyond work that had to be completed. We are both working this weekend however, we plan to run over to Milwaukee to do the bars. No we are not into each other we hang out, get crunk and chase men, no we conduct ourselves as gentlemen always. LMAO!
I have not seen Mister Hat Hat the construction worker I guess he is back to driving to work or either working at a site on the other side of town...Damn!
Welcome back...
Alright for Aunt Essie.
I'm not going to say anything about Kewon other than I would have been pissed if family members knew that I had broken up and had still invited the ex, 'cause the show that they would have been expecting would not have been the show that they would have got.
Yea I definetely agree umm I wish my family would invite an ex of mines to a gathering that Im not evening attending ohhhhhh helll the fuck nawwww lol. No sir we dont get down like that lol.
LMAO @ "What kinda name is Kewon for a woman....too hilariuos"
Ya nephew is a trip ...sound like something my lil brother would say lol
Hey umm it nothing wrong with being antisocial. I sure as hell am. My family is nosey so I just dont come around that often. LOL
No Jungle fever for me lol
An you know yo be buck wild in those dam bars lol. I so you over there on the dance floor dropping like it was hot lol.
I always enjoy reading ya blog man
Last thing but not least tell KE-KE to chill wit still trying to get in good with the fam and tell ya family stop being fag hags and find a new pussy lol
LOL @ what kinda name is Kewon for a woman? Maybe Essie did get the full picture. You know the older generation invented reading! LOL
Welcome Back!
LoL@ Mr. Hat Hat the construction worker! LoL.
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