Whats good peps? All is good with me I register no immediate complaints and I am finally getting shyte right for a change. My new mantra is: " My mistakes are my teacher." I have learned the hard way so you can say I have learned a very valuable lesson when it comes to relationships and the affairs of the heart.
Summer is finally coming to an end and the kids are heading for Atlanta for the last big party and clebration of the summer, no I am not attending although it would be nice, but as you know I have much work to catch up on so I will be here working and cleaning the remains of summer out of my house I will start by changing for the swiftly approaching Fall weather, hell it got down to forty degrees a couple of nights ago, it felt good I even pulled out a comforter, but I have gotta admit a warm body next to mine with that breeze coming through would have been a splendid evening and night, but hey I gotta deal with this solo, single loveless life until times get better. I am good with it and almost enjoying single life again.
Nothing much happening with Jeffrey (Mr. Security) he is becoming quite the friend, he keeps me company and brings me my favorite summer treat Mississippi Mud Ice Cream and we have been checking out DL Chronicles (he had never seen the show), so I put in the DVD and we laughed or as another blogger would say : LP (laughed profusely). We both enjoy the scene when Boo gets head in the car and the scene when he fucks his homeboy. We discussed the men that we both suspected to be on the DL here in Madison, the list was long.
Ke called a couple of times blocking his new number because I had the other phone shut the fuck down! He stated that he is preparing for the return of students to the classroom and hopes that his pupils will like him. Chile Pleeze! I am sure he will enjoy his first year teaching and maybe even mature some, but WTF! I do miss him he was great at keeping ole boi company. Moving right along, I have been checking out this brotha that is about thirty something, nice kinda friendly and has a job as a laborer his boots and dirty hands have been making me drool, he has been taking Metro home in the evenings and then sistahgirl picks him up at the East Transfer Point , she was not there day b4 yesterday and I was hoping he would get back on the bus and he did, but wouldn't you know old cock blocking trio of hoochies get on the bus behind him and sit their to small size clothes weraing asses right in front of him and blocking my view, I was going to strike up conversation and inquire as to what happen to his girlfriend that generally picks him up at the transfer point; then if he answered correctly invite him to get off at my place have a beer and I would give him a ride home or he could stay if he lived to far and I would drop him off at work in the morning, but first I would have to have hime disrobe so that I could wash his work clothes being that he works in construction (hard hat and all). No I did not get the hook up, the trio did, took him to get ice cream. Hell if it was ice cream he wanted after work I have some at my house. Damn! I am attracted to the construction worker there is something sexy and always have been about dirty work boots, big hands and hard hats not to mention a nice chocolate ass to go with all that, it is such a turn on for me.