Damn its cold here in Wisconsin, the Thanksgiving Holiday is just a week away and I have not confirmed if I would have dinner with my family or not either way it's cool they will be glad to have me there no confirmation or RSVP necessary however; the problem is I can not imagine being in that house with you know who, it scares me and right about now I am really vulnerable. Yeah he put it down the last time we did the damn thang, and I am in need of that freak shyte he does and I can't take the chance of letting it happen again.
A brotha is having the worst luck at meeting other brothas that can keep my attention or that is attractive to me, this brotha is starting to feel lonely and I know it is simply the change of season with this change my nights have grown longer than my days and that means a brotha spends more time in the condo alone and I am not at all pleased with that, shyte a brotha can only tolerate so much porno, and solo nights. Got hit the bars again can't do this long cold winter alone, maybe I should got out with the brotha that I met a few weeks ago he has been really treating me friendly and he appears to have some of the same interest not that it matters right about now. Okay I will call after the holiday when I return yes chances are I wil do Thanksgiving with family.
Work has turned out to be a real pain in the ass these past few months and I am so pleased that contract renewal takes place next year however; I am not running my Black ass out that door without having lined up another job, it is tough finding suitable employment even with a degree and years of experience nor is a brotha isn't getting any younger.
Jeffrey has been kicked to the curb by his college boyfriend after they hit the mall for pre-season holiday shopping the cute little chocolate dawg has moved on to greener pastures. Jeffrey isn't really taking it hard he relishes the thought of helping a brotha out. LMAO! Now he thinks he is going to hang at my house and have me consuming beer every night of the week, not likely I may be lonely, but not in need of his company that much. Just think this man was in the back of the closet just a few months ago even I had no real clue about his sexual preference.
I have no idea if the ex is actually allowing his country ass kin folks to follow him to my family's Thanksgiving dinner, apparently some of our folks knew each other back in the South. I think he has an aunt that went to college with one of my aunts anyhow, they feel quite comfortable being amongst my family when I am not even that comfortable being around certain family members. Ke does have some phine young cuzins and they call me from time to time to inquire when they can come to visit me, chile pleeze! All they did was call girls and run up on campus chasing females so why in the world do I need them in my house? That family cost me money the last time they were here in Madison for Ke's graduation. Now if his cuzin from SIU comes through that's another situation altogether; the brotha is the cat's meow.
Okay let me get some reading done, I have many blogs to catch up on, I do miss you guys. Have a great Thanksgiving Holiday, holla at ya later.