The photo above is what the Capitol Rotunda has looked like for the past three days. Schools have been closed due to the fact that teachers including myself called in sick yesterday and some today. I was sick yesterday I had Futuritis ( I could not commit to the bullshit the Governors Budget Repair Kit offered) so I called in sick and hit the protest lines out front of the Capitol.
Primarily his plans would bust up unions, cost all of us more for health care and we would have to contribute more to our pensions. This will not work for many of us being that we are at our personal budget limits already, hell I don't make any money as it is and if it weren't for some of the benefits I would rather pan handle because it has got to be more profitable than my teaching income minus the rewards of teaching. I need to have collective bargaining and the students need to have the best teachers available, but he doesn't seem to recognize the importance. The man has threatened to call in the National Guards if State, County and Municipal decided to strike. I've got my picket sign and I'm ready to go!