The past week has been busy for me in fact very busy. I was afforded the opportunity to hear President Obama speak on campus (UW-Madison). He was here on Tuesday September 28, 2010 he spoke to a crowd of approximately 19,000 and an additional 7,000 along side Langdon Street, State and University Ave. The speech took place on Memorial Union Library Mall. This was an historic event being that no sitting president has spoken on campus in sixty years (Harry S. Truman 1950). President Obama's visit will not soon be forgotten.
On a sadder note earlier that day I had to attend the funeral services for a neighbor, she was a young lady that was always so very friendly whenever I came in or out of the lobby. I was surprised how many of the other tenants in the building attended the funeral. The sistah was only forty eight years old and had a series of health problems. The lobby isn't the same without her smiling face to greet guest and residents.
The weekend was busy too, had to run north for a training session. I actually met some interesting people. I enjoyed one brotha in particular, he was a great deal of fun and knew his shyte. We went out for drinks Saturday after the meeting and when he hit that dance floor I got my life, I think the women were a bit disappointed that he was dancing along side me instead of them, but there was nothing gay about ole boi just a live wire.