What is with the customer service? I have been experiencing a few problems with being extended good customer service here at some of the local establishments like my local grocery store and businesses. This past weekend I decided to stop in the local market to purchase a few food items and such, upon approaching the check-out lane and paying for my items I patiently awaited the clerk to pack my items or at the very least inquire if I wanted paper or plastic instead she handed me my receipt and change then stated to assist the next customer in line. It was the other customer that inquired if she planned to bag my items since this wasn't a small purchase or a bag your items self serve, the clerk then turned to me and ask "do you want a bag?" I started to reply "No bitch I will carry all fifteen items in my hand and walk back to my apartment." I kept my cool.
It took everything in me not to read her arse, but instead I politely requested paper, she threw the items in the bag with attitude, I felt my last nerve being worked so I took the items out the bag and requested she repack them properly, she frowned and so did I, upon completion I requested she summon a manager so that I could register my complaint, he was no more than a kid himself and didn't have a clue how to treat a customer so I have forwarded a letter to the corporate office.
I did have a good weekend, it started out by hanging with the new group of gay men I met recently, they were very nice and the conversation was great, we laughed about all the shyte that takes place in this one horse town, later three of us decided to hit the bars (the college town, white bars), and it was nice, the music well not exactly my type of music, but yet okay. I drank to much and knew I had my limit when certain men started to look good, but I managed to go home alone not that I would have taken anyone home or followed anyone home at least not on the first night, then again if that tall dark brother with the attitude (str8) would have given up any energy I would taken him home, but he was chasing the women. Over all I had a good weekend.